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Many joined us for vacations filled with fun from 1928 until 2010

As a tribute to four generations of my family who built and ran this summer resort, I have created this web page. 

I am Gail, a fourth generation Retzer. who grew up

at Oquaga Lake. 

I lived here, and I loved it here. 

I particularly regret the loss of my parents, Austin and Kate Retzer, and my brother Ray, and I regret the eventual closing of Hotel Monoquaga, renamed Chestnut Lodge by my Dad, and later called Chestnut Inn by new owners Bill & David Maines.  It is currently closed for business, and it is for sale or lease. 

Kudos to Bill Maines for keeping the property as beautiful today as ever as it sits waiting for someone new to love it.

However, memories remain.  For all the people who stayed and played at the lake, who worked and served the guests,  

I remember you.  I remember the good times. 

Thank you, thank you for the memories! 

Sincerely, Gail Retzer Stentz


The flag flies at half mast in July 2009 upon the death of Austin Retzer. Kate died the previous October, 2008, only seven and a half months before.  Austin was lost without his Kate to whom he had been married just short of 70 years! 

The hotel closed shortly after Austin and Kate passed away.

It is sad to see it all closed up and for sale or lease.




Sam and Elizabeth Retzer, whose parents all came to the USA from Germany,

lived in Brooklyn in the early 1900's and spent summers at Oquaga Lake, NY, living in their summer home, The Lenape.  In the 1920's, they sold their express business in Manhattan and Long Istand, and they purchased the Brown Cottage, Green Bungalow, Scutt Cottage, and the large Curtis Cottage

with the vision of a vacation resort with approx. 1,000 ft. of western lake frontage.

They removed the Curtis cottage, built the hotel on its site, and repurposed the existing cottages and outbuildings and built more on the shores of  beautiful Oquaga Lake joining three other hotels already there on the opposite sides of the lake.

Building began in 1925. The hotel opened as Monoquaga Hotel in the spring of 1928.

The 60 room hotel with ballroom, expansive kitchen, large main lobby and sun porch, barroom and deck was completely built of the now extinct American Chestnut.

In the mid-forties, the name was changed to Chestnut Lodge when

the management transferred by inheritance to Austin Retzer, my dad, who revitalized the property with many amenities and an outdoor activity program for active adults. There was tennis, golf, badminton, water-skiing, boating and more.

Under Austin's management, the hotel became a popular, fun, activity-filled resort for young adults and couples, many coming from New York City and Canada.

In the 1980’s, the Retzers sold the hotel to Bill and David Maines

who changed the name to Chestnut Inn Bed and Breakfast

and upgraded the rooms to 13 luxury suites.


4 generations of Retzers lived at, owned/managed/worked at the hotel:


Samuel and Elizabeth Retzer, Founders, Owners/Managers 1925 - 1935

William Michael (their son) and Mildred Engels Retzer, Owners/Managers 1935 - 1945

 William Raymond, Austin Samuel, and Gordon Michael Retzer, Assisting their folks

Austin Samuel Retzer (grandson) and Katherine Richards Retzer, Owners/Managers 1947 - 1980

Raymond Richard Retzer and Sister Gail Retzer Stentz and her daughter, Kat, Assisting their folks


We loved Oquaga Lake and hosted many at our hotel.

We remember our summer homes on the property where we grew up :

The Lenape (Sam & Eliz. and Will), The Alps (Will & Mildred, the 3 boys), and

Chestnut (Austin & Kate), The Cottage (Sister Gail & Brother Ray and Nanny)

Other Outbuildings:   Rumpus House and Soda Fountain,  Bird Cage,  Boys & Girls Dorms,

Musicians' Cottage, the Laundry, Ice House, Garages, and Rental Cottages.


Other Retzer Family Members, Progeny of Sam and Elizabeth

great grandchildren:

Lesley Retzer and April Retzer Linscott;

great, great grandchildren:

Raymond Richard Retzer, Jr, Clarke Austin Retzer,

Katherine Elizabeth Haack and Corbin Meacham;

great, great, great grandchildren:

Emma Nicole Retzer and Raymond Richard Retzer III

Charlotte Grace Retzer, Austin Clarke Retzer, and Finn Christopher Retzer


In Memory of My Parents:

Austin Samuel Retzer 1916 - 2009  and Katherine Lewis Richards Retzer  1919 - 2008

Picture taken at Disney World 1999 - Occasion: their 60th Anniversary

Chestnut at Oquaga.jpg

The song videos below are ones that have meaning because they were something the folks enjoyed.  First is "It's A Wonderful World."  Dad used to sing that to Mom every morning as they awoke, holding hands, and spending those few precious moments before getting up.  Next, "Hello Dolly" is the song Dad would sing every time one of us would come back to the house.  It was such a loving, happy greeting!  Then, our family did a lot of singing together, in the car, washing dishes, walking on the beach, etc.  "Puff the Magic Dragon" is one we sang.  Finally, the folks loved to go to Disney World to see the beautiful flowers and to listen to the garden music.  They always said that it is a happy place.  Mom especially loved "Small Small World" and would play it for us on the piano or on the organ, and we would all sing.  So much fun!  Just to listen to the songs below evokes so many memories. They were wonderful people!

Brother Ray and I. collage.jpg
Ed and Gail.jpg
Costa Kat 2.jpg

Ed and Gail Stentz and Daughter Katherine Haack

Thank you for looking at my page and reading the family history concerning Chestnut Lodge, my home.  As in every family, there are so many more stories to share.  Just ask me, and I'll tell you probably more than you want to know. 

Gail Retzer Haack Stentz

Gail's daughter KAT who spent many summers at the hotel helping our folks.

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